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You Probably Don’t Email Your List Enough

Email Marketing Milwaukee WI

We’ve come to love email marketing around here.  We’ve been doing it for almost 20 years.  The number one lesson we teach business owners is to email more often.  This is the single biggest lift you can get in your business over night.  Simply email the people that want what you have more often.  Talk to them, become friends, build a community around them.  Here are some quick email tips you should be utilizing:

  • We use Klaviyo email platform (Email/sms)
  • Create Auto-Flows (emails working while you sleep)
  • Build behavior specific segments
  • Create branded design templates
  • Use GIFs and Social Proof in emails
  • Request Reviews via email weekly
  • Email multiple times per week
  • Email multiple times per day during promotions
Need Your Email Set Up?
Email Marketing Milwaukee WI

Your Emails Should Sound Like Your Brand Voice

Earnings Per Email

You should be killing off the dead weight in your email lists.  If there are people that haven’t opened an email or bought anything in months, purge them.  You are paying to host that data for no reason.  Every quarter you can be scrubbing your lists with who is engaged and warm and who is cold and no longer listening.  This helps determine your accurate “Earnings Per Email Contact” in your account.  When analyzing your email metrics, and following these principles of scrubbing your list, you can get a good handle on how much you earn per email contact and the entire channel.

Lets Talk Email